

Monday, 28 April 2014

Update :)

Hello Fellow Bookworms :)

Before I start talking about the main reason for this post, I just want to start off with a huge thank you! I am overwhelmed by the amount of interest since I started 6 and a half weeks ago. I've had more page views than I ever thought I could accomplish in a year - I'm sure it's minimal compared to most blogs on this site, however I am very grateful for each and every one - so thank you from the bottom of my heart <3
Is this too cheesy to add to this post?
Anyways, onto the main reason behind this update post!

I finished my first year of University last week on Friday, and also finished all of my pre-written and scheduled book reviews. That means two things for this blog:
  1. Since I have finished University for the year, I will be "off" for 4 months; the off is in quotation because I'm currently having interviews for jobs, which means I don't know how much free time I'll actually have. With that said, that means I will have more time to read and often in the summer read books a lot faster. Of course this is because I will binge read a book whilst sitting outside in the sun with a cool glass of fresh lemonade. Therefore you can expect lots of reviews in the upcoming future! I have a list of books lined up that I want to read - both single novels as well as series - and I can't wait to get started.
  2. Since my scheduled posts have run out, it means there will be a delay for the next review. I am currently halfway through the novel I am reading now, and I am hoping I will have it done in time to review for Friday; however, there will definitely not be one up on Monday, unless I find an old book I've read to review that I still have a clear memory of.
Therefore, that's both good and bad so I hope they balance each other out! Also, I would love it if you bookworms would leave a comment suggesting a book that I should read.

Until next time,
Happy Reading Fellow Bookworms :)

Friday, 25 April 2014

The Kill Order (James Dashner)

The Kill Order by James Dashner is the prequel novel to The Maze Runner trilogy. This novel is a science fiction, suspense novel that follows the lives of a small group of people who survived the Sun flares; the plot line does not follow their initial struggle as the Sun flares struck, but it does however flashback to that stage of their fight for survival. This story’s main focus is on the aftermath and The Flare.
The Book Cover
Although the story itself was good, I felt like it was written “just because.” Whilst reading the novel, and getting sucked into the story, I was awaiting a conclusion to the survival story of the small group of people that it follows; however I was disappointed. The epilogue itself has no mention of the people in which the story follows - more specifically Deedee - and that bothers me; what is the point of getting attached to characters if they simply vanish into thin air (no pun intended for those who have read the book). I now feel like James Dashner wrote this because he could since there is a decent amount of interest in the trilogy.

Of course, with every review, this is only my opinion! I read some other reviews upon finishing the novel to see what other people thought of the plot, and there was a handful of people who enjoyed the ending. Could I just be picky? Maybe. But that still doesn't change my rating.

I would rate The Kill Order 2.7/5 because of the reasoning stated above. The story itself was good, but the ending was a disappointment and really did not have a conclusion.

Until next time,
Happy Reading Fellow Bookworms :) 

Monday, 21 April 2014

The Death Cure (James Dashner)

The Death Cure is the third novel in The Maze Runner trilogy by James Dashner. Again, as did the second novel, the plot picks up right where the previous one left off. I’m glad Dashner did this as the ending of the second novel was indeed a cliffhanger of sorts.
The Book Cover
The plot follows the same main character Thomas as he continues to understand more about the surroundings around him and the project in which he is associated with. The “feel” of the novel, however, does change - at least I think it does. The story is no longer about the struggle to make it to the end of the task assigned by WICKED, but is now instead a fight to understand “which side they are on”? I’m not sure how to put this without revealing too much, but I just feel as though the plot became a different story.

Despite this change in the overall “feel” of the story, I did enjoy watching the characters grow and develop, as well as working towards a common cause. However, I didn’t enjoy it as much as the first two books in the trilogy because I was left with the feeling that something was missing. In addition, I felt as though the last chapter and the epilogue were “the easy way out” in regards to concluding the series, especially based off of the title; Dashner's choice of title is definitely misleading to the reader!

I would rate The Death Cure 3.5/10 because I was actually quite disappointed with the conclusion of the book, especially when you take into account the title that Dashner chose for this novel.

Despite this low rating for the end of the series, I definitely would still recommend the trilogy :)

Until next time,
Happy Reading Fellow Bookworms :)

Friday, 18 April 2014

The Scorch Trials (James Dashner)

The Scorch Trials is the sequel to the popular book The Maze Runner by author James Dashner. The story begins where the first novel left off, not losing pace at all. The suspense you felt at the end of the first novel is definitely carried over into this second book of the trilogy. However, unlike the first novel, this plot is a little closer to the horror side than just thriller due to some of the more “graphic” descriptions (when you read the novel, you'll understand what I mean - all I'm going to say is "cranks").
The Book Cover
The plot is very intriguing in this book because your level of knowledge is essentially the same as the characters; as I said in my first review, it’s like you are experiencing the story as the characters. With every new chapter came another development in the plot, and often those developments were plot twists. As the plot unfolds, you learn more about the reasoning and purpose behind the maze in which these teenagers were placed, and you begin to see the affects of what happens without that said reasoning. I know that sentence is quite cryptic and may not fully make sense, however, I don't want to give too much away.

Through reading, I continued to feel drawn in by the characters and was engrossed in the way they grow and react in the world around them and the knowledge behind why they are there. Some of the character developments had me itching for more and more; I found it difficult to pace myself whilst reading this. I think with school, I finished reading this book in about a week or two.

The Scorch Trials has also been rumored to have been "greenlighted" by Fox for a movie! This will follow after the September 2014 release of The Maze Runner to theaters. Here's a supposed movie poster of this release!
Unofficial Movie Poster
I would rate The Scorch Trials 4.3/5, which is 0.3 higher than the first, because I felt as though this plot was a little more developed than the first. Also, the plot did possess more horror suspense which I really do love in a book, even though I can't sit through horror movies... :)

Until next time,
Happy Reading Fellow Bookworm :)

Monday, 14 April 2014

The Maze Runner (James Dashner)

This review is for the first novel in a series of 3 by James Dashner. The first book - The Maze Runner - is one I’ve been intrigued to read for a while now. Before beginning the book, I really had no idea of what the storyline was; but something about the title called me in and it was recommended by YouTuber Joey Graceffa. I also learned, from Strawburry17's website, that this novel is being made into a movie! I can't wait until later in this year to see this book unfold before my eyes.
An Unofficial Movie Poster
The Cast of The Maze Runner Movie
 The Maze Runner follows the main character Thomas as he enters a new sort of world. Upon entering this world he finds himself surrounded by four walls and a community that is unorthodox; it’s a community run by teenage boys. This world is even more obscure because outside of those four walls is a maze that tests your bravery, fitness, and mental stability. I can’t give more of a synopsis than that as I think it would give too much of the storyline away; experiencing the plot first hand is definitely as aspect of the book that needs to be felt to understand the full experience.
The Book Cover
Though the story did start of slower than I usually like, it didn’t really bother me this time. I think the atmosphere that the author paints was enough to hold me this time. There is an unwritten suspense to the beginning of the story; it almost feels as though you ARE Thomas. You are both experiencing this new world at the same time. Everything is new, strange, and you don't know where you've come from; the "before" of this world is unexplained to you as a reader much like the "before" has been wiped from Thomas's memory.
Movie Depiction of Thomas
However, the story does pick up very quickly. It’s almost like when you roll a ball down a hill: it starts off slowly but picks up speed continually until it can’t seem to stop - only does it stop when it hits something. This book after about a quarter of the way drastically picks up speed and doesn’t slow until the last chapter. I finished two thirds of the book in one day! I honestly couldn’t put the book down!

I would rate this novel 4/5 because of the way it pulled me in. Of course, because of the slow start, it has a slightly lower rating.

Until next time,
Happy Reading Fellow Bookworms :)

Friday, 11 April 2014

The Fault In Our Stars (John Green)

This book by John Green had been receiving a lot of hype both through the media and online, therefore I had to make time to read it. I knew nothing of the content before starting the book so my opinion on the book is solely mine. I also found out that they are releasing this as a movie in June of this year. Upon finishing this book I had some concerns about how they would do this tastefully, however I have seen the trailer and my reserves have faltered a little since that initial concern.
The Movie Poster
The Fault In Our Stars follows these two young characters who are far from your average teenagers. The plot follows the lives of Hazel and Augustus, both teenage cancer patients, who meet at a support group where they talk with others, such as Issac, going through the same things. The story is much more than that simple description, but I don't want to give away too much. If you find cancer stories triggering, then I don't recommend this because in no way does John Green sugarcoat that concept, much like other novels do.
The Book Cover
This book took me a little while to get into it and I found myself easily predicting the ending, or so I thought. As I really got into the story, I found myself very much invested in the two main characters, as well as some of the other minor characters. The way John Green wrote the novel allowed me to feel like I was there, and not just reading a book. John Green's style of writing is so elegant that you can't stop yourself from falling into the pages and visualizing everything that he lays out on the page.
Author John Green
Upon reaching the end of the novel, I was in tears. I never expected what was coming until it was just about to happen. It is rare for a book to make me cry as much as I did, and therefore I have full respect for John Green and his work. To be able to write a novel about cancer in a beautiful yet real way is difficult to do and convey to a reader.

Based on the fact that it made me cry, a rarity in my life, I rate this book 4.7/5. I would give it a perfect score however, I found the initial rate of this novel to be a bit slow; I understand why John Green did it - as it reflects how cancer works - but my personal liking is to dive head first into the story.

Until next time,
Happy Reading Fellow Bookworms :)

Monday, 7 April 2014

Champion (Marie Lu)

Champion: the final book in an amazing trilogy! It was everything I could have imagined and so much more than I initially imagined. This book was one that I really struggled to put down. Champion picked up directly where it left off and never lost it’s pace. Marie Lu is definitely an author who knows when it’s time to describe things in detail and when to let the pace of the novel take over from the details. Again, this book alternates between the view points of June and Day. As I have said before, typically I don’t enjoy this but it is definitely essential to this storyline and series.
The Book Cover
I don’t want to spoil any of the storyline as I think it’s important to get right into the novel yourself without trying to see where the story is going. The suspense is an important aspect of this book, and an aspect that Marie Lu uses to the maximum. As I approached the final 40 pages of the book, my heart was being pulled in many directions at once, and my emotions were really being worked on. Again, I was in tears for the majority of the closing of the novel. However, Marie Lu does throw a somewhat nicer plot twist at you towards the end.

As this trilogy entered this third book, I had really begun to feel for the characters and want them to succeed in everything they were accomplishing. Marie Lu definitely made me feel as though I was a part of these characters' lives and the world that they existed in. I admire her writing in this novel.

I would rate Champion 4.8/5 because the story became very well-developed and complex, something that I enjoy. I struggled to predict what the next page would throw at me, and I think that’s important in a book.

Definitely read the full trilogy!

Until next time,
Happy Reading Fellow Bookworms :)

Friday, 4 April 2014

Prodigy (Marie Lu)

Prodigy is the second book in the Legend trilogy, written by Marie Lu. Much like the first novel in this series, Prodigy has a fast paced plot line and many plot twists throughout. The storyline picks up directly where the previous left off and continues to follow the journey of both June and Day. Again, the author has chosen to alternate perspectives between these two main characters; this adds a great dynamic to the story, especially towards the second half.
The Book Cover
This science fiction novel is definitely one that I failed to pace my reading on and I ended up finishing it within a week. The end of the novel is definitely part of the reason that I finished it so quickly, as I desperately wanted to see a conclusion of the main plot. However, upon finishing Prodigy, I was left in tears. Again, as I always do in my reviews, I will not spoil the reason as to why I was left emotional, but I do warn you to prepare for the plot twist.
This sequel doesn't really show any character development in comparison to the first novel, but towards the end you can see a small shift in there mental state; however, their morals and main personalities remain constant.

I would rate this novel 4.5/5 because it was definitely more developed than the first novel, but there were still a few little moments that lacked something. However, if you enjoyed reading either Divergent or The Hunger Games, you’ll most likely enjoy reading this one as it shares similar aspects to both of those series.

Until next time,
Happy Reading Fellow Bookworms :)