

Monday 21 April 2014

The Death Cure (James Dashner)

The Death Cure is the third novel in The Maze Runner trilogy by James Dashner. Again, as did the second novel, the plot picks up right where the previous one left off. I’m glad Dashner did this as the ending of the second novel was indeed a cliffhanger of sorts.
The Book Cover
The plot follows the same main character Thomas as he continues to understand more about the surroundings around him and the project in which he is associated with. The “feel” of the novel, however, does change - at least I think it does. The story is no longer about the struggle to make it to the end of the task assigned by WICKED, but is now instead a fight to understand “which side they are on”? I’m not sure how to put this without revealing too much, but I just feel as though the plot became a different story.

Despite this change in the overall “feel” of the story, I did enjoy watching the characters grow and develop, as well as working towards a common cause. However, I didn’t enjoy it as much as the first two books in the trilogy because I was left with the feeling that something was missing. In addition, I felt as though the last chapter and the epilogue were “the easy way out” in regards to concluding the series, especially based off of the title; Dashner's choice of title is definitely misleading to the reader!

I would rate The Death Cure 3.5/10 because I was actually quite disappointed with the conclusion of the book, especially when you take into account the title that Dashner chose for this novel.

Despite this low rating for the end of the series, I definitely would still recommend the trilogy :)

Until next time,
Happy Reading Fellow Bookworms :)

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